lets set up your own private email server

Are you tired of spending thousands on third-party email services like Mailchimp, GetResponse, SendGrid, and ActiveCampaign? Let us set up a dedicated email server tailored specifically for your business needs.

Whether you need a bulk or conventional email server, we specialize in creating efficient and reliable email systems that save you money and give you full control. Many business owners aren't aware that they can have the same powerful email capabilities without the hefty monthly fees.

With our expertise, you won’t need to worry about the complexities of setting up your own server. We handle everything, ensuring you get a top-notch email system without the ongoing costs of external providers.

Ready to take control of your email communications and cut down on expenses? Hire us today, and we'll even start with a small upfront payment to prove our value.

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Price $ 100 $ 120

1 Day Delivery
  • standard Mail server setup

Price $ 150 $ 200

1 Day Delivery
  • Standard mail server setup
  • installs and configure mailwizz
  • Setup analytic and track openers
  • domain and ip rep warm up setup

Price $ 250 $ 500

2 Days Delivery
  • Standard mail server setup
  • installs and configure mailwizz
  • Setup analytic and track openers
  • domain and ip rep warm up setup
  • recommends good server provider
  • Email list verify/cleaner
  • one on one private assistance

About The Seller

Martin P
  • Total Services : 5
  • Orders Completed : 8
  • Member since : 09th May 2024
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